Sunday, February 14

Lunar Festival 2010 guide

Just finished making my Lunar Festival guide. As it is 2010, you may want to look at whats up. I have provided maps, written guide, and how tos. So please, if there is any mistakes or errors, or suggestions, feedback is always welcome. Please do not flame me for this.

These pictures are based on alliance characters, since I am alliance. So this might not work for horde as the paths are different. You may want to use this however as pinpoints of where to go. So heres whats up with the pictures:

Light Blue represents Flight Paths, where you would fly.
Yellow represents walking, mounted paths.
Black represents editted lines that are crossed out.
And Red dots indicate where Elders are.


Eastern Kingdom

Now for the written part (ugh)

  1. Elder Northal - Located @ 33.8, 34.4 in Borean Tundra (Transitus Shield)
  2. Elder Pamuya - Located @ 42.9, 49.6 in Borean Tundra (Warsong Hold)
  3. Elder Sardis - Located @ 59.1, 65.6 in Borean Tundra (Valiance Keep)
  4. Elder Arp - Located @ 57.3, 43.7 in Borean Tundra (D.E.H.T.A)
  5. Elder Sandrene - Located @ 49.8, 63.0 in Sholazar Basin (River's Heart)
  6. Elder Wanikaya - Located @ 63.8, 49.0 in Sholazar Basin (Rainspeaker Rapids)
  7. Elder Bluewolf - Located @ 49.0, 13.9 in Wintergrasp (Wintergrasp Fortress)
  8. Elder Skywarden - Located @ 35.1, 48.3 in Dragonblight (Agmar's Hammer)
  9. Elder Morthie - Located @ 29.7, 55.9 in Dragonblight (Star's Rest)
  10. Elder Thoim - Located @ 48.8, 78.2 in Dragonblight (Moa'ki Harbor)
  11. Elder Graymane - Located @ 41.2, 84.7 in The Storm Peaks (K3)
  12. Elder Fargal - Located @ 28.9, 73.7 in The Storm Peaks (Frosthold)
  13. Elder Stonebeard - Located @ 31.3, 37.6 in The Storm Peaks (Bouldercrag's Refuge)
  14. Elder Muraco - Located @ 64.6, 51.3 in The Storm Peaks (Camp Tunka'lo)
  15. Elder Tauros - Located @ 58.9, 56.0 in Zul'Drak (Zim'Torga)
  16. Elder Beldak - Located @ 60.6, 27.7 in Grizzly Hills (Westfall Brigade Encampment)
  17. Elder Whurain - Located @ 64.2, 47.0 in Grizzly Hills (Camp Oneqwah)

A. Start @ Moonglade, use scroll.
1. Elder Stonespire - Located @ 61.3, 37.7 in Winterspring (Everlook)
2. Elder Brightspear - Located @ 55.5, 43.6 in Winterspring (Lake Kel'Theril)
3. Elder Skygleam - Located @ 72.4, 84.9 in Azshara (Ravencrest Monument)
4. Elder Windtotem - Located @ 62.6, 36.7 in The Barrens (Ratchet)
5. Elder Runetotem - Located @ 53.1, 43.5 in Durotar (Razor Hill)
6. Elder Moonwarden - Located @ 51.4, 30.6 in The Barrens (The Crossraods)
7. Elder High Mountain - Located @ 45.0, 57.9 in The Barrens (Camp Taurajo)
8. Elder Bloodhoof - Located @ 48.3, 53.4 in Mulgore (Bloodhoof Village)
B. Head to Ratchet, fly to Tanaris
9. Elder Dreamseer - Located @ 51.3, 27.8 in Tanaris (Gadgetzan)
10. Elder Ragetotem - Located @ 36.2, 80.4 in Tanaris (Outside of Uldum)
11. Elder Morningdew - Located @ 79.0, 76.9 in Thousand Needles (Mirage Raceway)
12. Elder Skyseer - Located @ 45.3, 49.8 in Thousand Needles (Freewind Post)
C. Head back to Gadgetzan, fly to Un'goro Crater
13. Elder Thunderhorn - Located @ 50.1, 76.1 in Un'goro Crater (Slithering Scar)
14. Elder Bladesing - Located @ 48.8, 37.6 in Silithus (Cenarion Hold)
15. Elder Primestone - Located @ 22.9, 11.6 in Silithus (Crystal Vale)
16. Elder Mistwalker - Located @ Approx 59.5, 40.0 in Feralas (The Maul - PvP area in Dire Maul)
17. Elder Grimtotem - Located @ 76.7, 37.7 in Feralas (Lariss Pavilion)
18. Elder Starweave - Located @ 36.7, 46.6 in Darkshore (Auberdine)
D. Fly to Felwood
19. Elder Nightwind - Located @ 37.7, 52.9 in Felwood (Jaedenar)
E. Fly to Darnassus
20. Elder Bladeleaf - Located @ 57.2, 60.7 in Teldrassil (Dolanaar)

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