Wednesday, July 20

Paragon Down's 25man Herioc Ragnaros

Yesterday Paragon has downed 25m herioc Ragnaros, ending the race to the down. This was done very quickly and can make some people wonder if Blizzard's content is getting too easy. However Paragon doesn't think so, here is there announcement on the down.

The Firelord lies dead in a pile of ashes.
Ragnaros: Too soon!
Or was it? No, not really. Not if you ask us.

We've NEVER put as much effort into a kill as we now did on downing Heroic Ragnaros. We had a few grueling low percentage wipes and we were already planning on continuing early tomorrow with a better set of gear. Our kill attempt was going to be our last pull of the night as the thunderstorms and disconnects were kicking in.
Then everything clicked. All of our combined effort, practicing, theorycrafting and planning finally paid off. We had a near-perfect try and Ragnaros just melted away. A wave of relief washed over us. It was finally over. We wiped 500+ times on the boss, although I lost count at some point. Absolutely epic feeling after such an epic fight!

We'd really like to thank all of you guys for supporting us. We also would like to extend our gratitude to our sponsors who help us do what we do; a big thank you to SteelSeriesASUS and especially our new partner DREAM! We'd of course like to thank Blizzard and the developers as well. The hotfixes were lightning fast. 
We will be releasing a video of our kill later on -- most likely as soon as someone else kills Ragnaros on Heroic. Until then, keep following us!

Well at least we can be sure this won't happen anymore:

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