Wednesday, September 30

Skipping the initial cooldown of equippable items

Everyone hates those 30 second timers you have to wait before a recently equipped item can be used. Especially, if you want to use the tabard to port to the argent tournament or the neck piece to port to black temple, it sucks to wait. Another example would be a test of a acquired fun item.

However, I've found a solution for this:
1. Equip the item with the cooldown
2. Fly into an instance (you should find one pretty often - example: you are in front of archavons vault but your raid leader decides to go to argent tournament instead)
3. The cooldown is skipped :-)

Confirmed for the argent crusade tabard and for the black temple neck piece. Don't know if others are also supported by this bug.

Enjoy :-)

PS: i know that 30 seconds aren't that much but if you find yourself near an instance portal, why don't just skip them.

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