
I hope this guide will make fishing a funnier thing to do.

What you will need:

An iPhone or iPod Touch
WoWFishing - the app
Motrix Universal Server
All of this is free!

  1. Download the app either directly from iPhone/iPod Touch or via the computer and do a sync. When done, launch it. Don't do anything for now.
  2. Download Motrix Universal Server. Launch Motrix Universal Server. If the port is already used for some reason, change it. Click "Start". If a firewall pops up, just click yes.
  3. When the ports matches, click "Find". When found, an IP address will appear, click it. You have now connected.

How to use:
  1. If you have successfully connected them, click "Start WoW Fishing" in the iPhone app.
  2. It will show an image with the title "How to start fishing". It will guide how to do.


Click the little "i" in the top right corner.
Throw Sensitivity - If it's full you only have to swipe the iPhone down VERY gently.
Lift Sensitivity - If it's full you only have to lift the iPhone up VERY gently.
Forced Lift - When you fish, the duration takes 17 seconds. If Forced Lift is activated, it will pull the bobber after 17 seconds. If this is against Blizz' terms, I don't know. Use this with care.
Idle time Sleep - I'm not sure what this is. But it's on as default.

Well, I hope you can use this to make fishing funny again!
P.S. I did not make this app. All credits for making this possible goes to the Neogames team!


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