
It's simple, A LOT of people DO NOT KNOW that this item: Dust of Disappearance - is buyable at the Profession Master ! Well, each day I buy them about 11 golds per unit (20 = 220 golds) and sell them 39Golds !

Per day, I can sell about 10 stack of 20. like this :
  • 20*11 = 220 Golds.
  • 20*39 = 780 Golds.
  • 780 - 220 = 560 Golds profit with a 20 units stack !
I sell about 3-4, sometimes 10 per day, sometimes 20 !! Average is 5.

  • 5*560 = 2800 Golds profit doing... NOTHING ! (And this is PER DAY and with LOW SUCCESS)

Today I just sold 14 stacks of 20... 7840 golds

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