
So you want to become the Hallowed? No Problem! This is actually a really easy achievement and title, a little time consuming, but easy easy easy!

Here are a list of all achievements you need, lets go by them 1 by 1

This is the only real one that will take any of your time up. You have to go to certain points all over Azeroth. Read each one, cause though there is a pumpkin at every inn, you do not have to go to every inn. Just the one's it specifys.

Very easy, very basic. Do the quest from any pumpkin in any inn.

Pretty straight forward, kill the headless horseman, enter dungeon through LFG tool.

Get a tooth pick and use it. Dont buy these, you will get more than enough from traveling azeroth!

After completing each pumpkin quest you get these in a handful of treats. It takes around 10-14 to work. Just right click them one after another

Go to your factions respected starting city (ie Razorhill, Goldshire, Brill) and just do the quest there, at the end you should get this achieve

Again, you should get plenty of these two items through going through Azeroth, dont buy them.

You will get a crap tons of these from Azeroth, so dont worry about trading off with people, in fact you can buy wands now, so just realy need a helping friend.

This is the only one that could be considered "hard" you have to get the jako'laterns, which you can only obtain from the Headless Horseman, or the quest that you douse the fires, and thats only once a day. If you are on a popular server, your in luck, just go to the AH and buy them, they were only 1G on my server, i have only seen them go up to 5g on other servers. Your own faction should be easy, but to get the other one pick up the quest that has you dose the opposite factions burning man, and when your over there easily throw it on their heads

Another easy one, throughout Azeroth you will get the G.N.E.R.D. item, just join a bg, put the buff on and grab honor kills

You will easily get masks throughout your progression through Azeroth, not a problem.

Most of these quests will do a lot of the work for you, but the only tedious one is where you actually have to go to the undercity/stormwind, while your throwing pumpkins on hordes head, just dose that burning man

And thats it! As you can see you can get 85% of the achievements from simply going over Azeroth, and the others just by making pit stops along the way! Enjoy the title! And until next event my friends!

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