
"Here we are two years later... from a boy who exercised, played soccer and rode his bike around, he does none of things any more. He's starting to go hunchback." This is what a mother described her 13-year-old son in a letter to Australia's Telegraph. World of Warcraft is the game that makes her son to be an aggressive computer addict and a school skipper.

So WOW again becomes the evil thing that to blame. There are many WOW addicts but the boy in this article is something more than game addict. "We have called the police because he gets aggressive when you take the computer away. He starts punching holes through the walls, throwing things around and threatening you," her mother writes.

The mother realized that it won't work by simply taking the computer away, so she tried mental health services and even spoke to judge, but that didn't do too much help. "We need support from the government to open up facilities around Australia, places for children to wean off it," she wrote to Telegraph.

It seems that when people talking about video game addiction, WOW will be mentioned, but we all know that WOW isn't the only one. Which game has killed most of your time? Skyrim? Battlefield 3?

Source: kotaku

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