
Yesterday morning i was testing some npcs to MC, im found these Alliance Dwarf engineers in Twilight Highlands.

They dont attack u and i alco notice they dont reset when u place them somewhere when u MC then.
My first idea was to see how far i can go with this dwarf before it resets his spot or evades.. Not of this happened. I placed the dwarf in the horde base and after 1 day hes still there. In the video u see 2 dwarfs next to each other, the other one i placed there before i recorded the video, so he isnt there normally ^^.

Maybe some ppl have more ideas with these dwafs, who knows where u can place them or what u can do more with them..

I havent seen this before searched on some key words, But the only thing u found was to grind these dwarfs for some nice XP and stuff.

Have fun watching the video, i have speed it a little bit up else it gets so boring.

I actually added music to the video, this prolly went wrong with creating and the quality suck also, Sorry for that first time uploading something to youtube ^^

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