
this is a little exploring video of how to get to outland from azeroth !

" We were wrong all along to thing that outland would be somewhere else than Azeroth . It was on it but in a different phase or Mapid! I dont think Deepholm or Northrend are any different " said Glitcher Hector after he showed us the vid where he demonstrated how to do this on Eternal-wow ( private server ) using WowEmu hack.
You can get from Azeroth to outland withour using hacks
What will you need :
Druid or any other guy that has an instant fly mount ( eg flying broom )
Pally for speedbuff
a better spot than the one we picked ( one that is closer to the bluewall so you dont die of fatigue )
and Darmkmooon fare tigers
Ohack and a paly :P
Architects HT&AG

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