
This image was mailed to us with the following message:

Took my son to the zoo, he said he wanted an engraved bracelet but wouldn't tell me what he was getting until it was done... Best part was when I was paying for it - the girl that did the engraving said "I'm really more of an Alliance girl but I won't hold it against you"!

And so the young squire found his first love. A Forbidden love, for their allegiances lay opposed to one another. However whilst their families were occupied with the faire, the couple escaped under the veil of the Darkmoon to be with each other. They fled the known realms of their ancestors, and have taken a small ship, sailed by but the two of them, across the vast seas...
As dawn breaks one day, they see an island through the morning Mists, hoping this land will be free from their families feuds, they call it: This Land.

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