
My eyes are not as good as they use to be, but aparently the System Requirements for Mists Of Pandaria was Revealed By Box Art we posted the other day.¨

The system requirements writing is itty-bitty but MMO Champion was able to decipher some of it. They also compared the new requirements to those of the previous expansion, Cataclysm:

Minimum Specifications
  • Dual core CPU, up from a single core at 1.4 Ghz. It looks like it may mention a Intel Pentium D rather than Intel Pentium 4.
  • 2GB RAM (or 1GB for Windows XP), up from 1GB RAM.
  • The X1800 Pro (2005) is now the minimum required GPU, up from the 9500 (2002), which may no longer be supported.
  • The GeForce FX 5000 series (2003) also has been dropped from the minimum requirements, replaced by the 6800 (2004).
  • The minimum hard drive space is still 25GB.
  • The minimum resolution is 1024x768.

Recommended Specifications
  • 4GB RAM, up from 2GB.
  • 64bit Windows 7, up from 64bit Windows Vista/7.
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2, up from the Intel Pentium D.
  • Nvidia 8800GT, up from the 8600.
  • AMD 4830 512MB, up from the 2600.

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