
The Real Money Auction House (RMAH) has gone live many servers for Diablo 3. To view the status of the Auction House and the RMAH in you region, be sure to check this page

Please note, you must have an authenticator attached to your Battlenet account to access the RMAH. To switch to the RMAH, open the Auction House and click the currency option in the top right corner. At the moment, gold does not seem to be supported, but plenty of items are emerging, though many are listed at steep prices.

So what do you think about the RMAH? Do you expect that it will it slaughter the price of gold, or are you anticipating massive inflation on the Gold AH due to players 'legally' being able to buy gold now, as well as inflation for the cost of gold itself? Do you plan to use the RMAH at all, whether to sell or to buy items or gold with your paycheck?

Be sure to leave your comments below and let us know what you think of this feature finally going live, and what you plan to use it for!

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