
Yesterday 18 December Buddy Bots developer Hawker announced that their build server was infected with a trojan keylogger. Hawker also mentioned that this trojan was specifically designed to attack Demonbuddy and Honorbuddy, but it infected some different builds as well.

The products that were infected with this trojan were:
  • 1 release of Arelog
  • 1 release of GW2Buddy
  • HonorbuddyBETA release of last week
  • DemonbuddyBETA release of last week
All users of Buddy Bot products are advised to scan their computer with Microsoft Security Essentials, which detects and destroys the trojan. Reset your World of Warcraft, Diablo 3 and/or Guild Wars 2 passwords as well, just to be safe.

In light of the 18 December banwave, speculations have arisen that the trojan might somehow be connected to the banwaves.

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