
If you were working at Blizz for 20 years you would have been there since 1992. You have gone through much more than most people who browse this blog could imagine and probably deserve much more. You should watch the Blizzard anniversary documentary and you'd probably understand that getting paid off a loan from someone's parents takes a lot more courage than most could imagine. I'm not sure I would have the wherewithal to stick through that kind of turmoil.

Actually, I would prefer some Lost Vikings memorabilia. Because the game was released in 1992 (20 years).

Seeing this post made me go check their wikipedia page, I was surprised it's been 20 years. I've been playing Blizzard games since the very beginning... Battle Chess, anyone?

Amazing company, amazing games, I started playing them when I was 6 years old and here we are today. Here's to another 20 great years!

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