
There is a method to farm Onyxia 10 - Man for the Mount.

When you engage Onyxia, dmg her until she reaches nearly 200 - 400 k LIFE.

When you done this, wait till after the fear and KITE her near the end of the fighting area (way back up to the lvl 80 - dragonkins).

When you done it, Onyxia will shout out something like : You can not pull me out of my home ! -- And she will reset.

 BUT WHILE she is resetting, you have to KILL her.

 90 % of the tries i had it worked and well : You kill her while she is running back, and guess what : You can LOOT her and get N O (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Id.

 The only thing you have to do to repeat it is to run outside and reset the instance. Then, she will respawn.

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