
Quick video showing how to get outside Stratholme and find a cool little Night Elf village.

How to do it:
You need a Sandbox Tiger or any type of the Darkmoon Carousels.
You will also need some sort of slow fall(for example a Hang Glider) or something that prevents falling damage.

Set the dungeon difficulty to Normal, then click on reset all instances.
Then begin to enter and leave Stratholme(Remember to click on reset all instances each time you go out of the instance).

You do this until you get a message in chat saying "You have entered to many instances recently".
Once you get that message you are able to walk trough the portal without getting instanced.

Start walking into Stratholme until you get stopped by an invisible wall, this is when you use your Sandbox Tiger(or any type of Darkmoon Carousel) to bypass the wall.

From there you need to go where I go in the video below this text.

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