

  1. Cast glyphed eye of Kilrog through either of the fireplaces in Battle for Gilneas, in the buildings to the left of the Waterworks and Lighthouse flags respectively, at the exact angle shown in the video.
  2. Put down a demonic circle in the gap between the wall and the fireplace. 

You can now move in and out of the building at will, making you virtually impossible to kill since you can use demonic teleport to escape almost any amount of damage, and escape further line of sight attacks till you've recovered. You can also view the flags from within the building's walls, making it almost impossible for any one or even multiple players to capture the flag.

Note that you are immune to most special attacks while inside the fireplace even if the enemy team
somehow figures out your there.

This is one of strongest pvp exploits I've posted since it is virtually undetectable and gives a player
almost control over one flag while being almost invincible. It can also being used in RBG since it only requires warlock class abilities.


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