Tuesday, January 27

Did you know you can get +300% xp for 3months for only 4Eur?

Via Recruit a Friend and a Battlechest which costs inclusive MoP only 4Euros. And since RaF only goes to 85, nothing else is needed. And ofc your main Account..

The Customer Support told me that the bonus lasts 3months and is also gained from just purchasing the Battlechest. It would also apply if you wouldnt even subscribe and play the game only to lvl 20 with Classic "Free WoW".

+300% for 4Eur seems legit, eh?

Now get into dual-boxing or roll a tank and your prefered class on follow and run dungeons. Be 100 in 1.5-3days, depending on your experience with the game. Experience in terms of routes, farm spots, correct dungeon boosts etc

Take care

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