
The other day realizing I forgot to do my Blingtron 5000 quest and the dailys were about to reset I rushed to an alt to drop him down and get it done for the day. 

After completing the quest and waiting a few min for the reset to take place so I could just turn it in again for the day and not worry about it later I swapped to my alt. 

Upon running outside my garrison I saw a blingtron someone had just put out that had the daily for me again. 

Tested this out again today and worked again. being as you cant turn it in more then once per day this seems pretty cool that you can actually do this 2 times a day. Hope this helps anyone who is trying for the mount.

Also i'm not sure if it works with the other blingtron or not so if anyone can test id love to know if its both models or just the 5000.

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