
World of Warcraft is without a doubt the longest-running MMORPG and if you think it has run its race and it's headed to the free-to-play scrap-yard (after all, the falling player numbers seem to point to that), you're mistaken. There's plenty of race left in this old horse and to prove that, Blizzard are gearing up to deliver its most massive content update ever. Given the size of the more or less regular updates that the title has received over the years, that certainly doesn't mean a new coat of paint in this instance.

As the hype around the new update has been steadily building, Blizzard have finally decided to give the excited fans a glimpse or two into what's being prepared behind the scenes. Apparently, the supposedly epic update has indeed been in development for about three years now. Called Legion, the new expansion pack has been on the table all this time, even as its various features were tested through some of the other expansions like Warlord of Draenor. The time has come for the curtain to fall though, and players to be treated to the best and most epic WOW update ever. A host of new character options, entirely new approaches to their character development and various other such deep tweaks have already been implemented in preparation for Legion,  the expansion which is likely to bring even some of the long-lost players back into the fold.

With the introduction of Legion, Blizzard will prove that they're not about to give up on the WoW universe and that their creation has successfully transcended its condition as a rank-and-file MMO. It's already much more than that and Legion will serve to further solidify its status. The reason why Legion has been delayed this far was that the developer was looking the build up the story through the other expansions first. Everything is now in place for the latest (and possibly last) massive injection of life into the WOW franchise.

Philip Thalberg works for esportslinstings.com, the web's top destination for eSports odds.

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