
Just in case written doesn't cover what you want to know video here:

1. Before you even head over to the northern part of Pandaria, make sure to pick up a few potions of luck off the AH or craft them. Pots of Luck let you farm treasure off the mobs on the Island for extra raw materials and gold. Potion of Luck link here -------> Potion of Luck - Item - World of Warcraft

2. Make sure to be around lvl 95-100 and item lvl 675+ for reasonable clear time between mob packs.

3. The islands route is easy to follow. Just go around the outskirts of the island and follow the dotted line on the map to ensure your clearing the right mobs, instead of falling off track. areas shown on this map show the route to follow --------->

4. After your full hour of farming, head over to the AH and post your auctions of the loot you gained from your full hour of looting. Make sure to sell item lvl 400-435 gear to the vendor, because they do not sell well on many servers (unless of course you have had a lot of success selling Pandarian greens before).

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