
I really don't know where to begin with this but as many in the comments section have mentioned, thanks for bringing race into a decades old franchise and not to mention the fact that the author of the review himself is comparing dark skinned Orc's to immigrants, does that not make them the racist?

I find it disappointing for the Warcraft movie to be broken down like this by The Guardian.

The prospect of a predominantly white, European realm being invaded by foreign, primitive, darker skinned hordes (they are actually called the Horde) might set alarm bells ringing in our current climate of immigration anxiety. Is this a veiled Ukip broadcast? Or a pro-Trump one? Nobody suggests the orcs are there to steal Azeroth’s jobs or exploit its benefits system, thankfully, though they are intent on overrunning their adoptive country and sucking the souls out of all its living creatures.
Read the full article here:

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