
I wanted to make use of the movie sword without going the standard paladin/warrior route. Priests can't use swords so I decided to use the warlock but mages could also xmog this. It certainly doesn't fit the theme of a warlock but it definitely feels "alliance-y."

Helm: Cowl of Benevolence

Shoulders: Wild Gladiator's Mantle of Cruelty

Chest: Stormwind Chestguard

Waist: Stormwind Belt

Legs: Stormwind Leggings

Feet: Stormwind Boots

Gloves: Stormwind Grips

Cloak: (not shown) If you're into cloaks try Permafrost Cape which matches the color scheme and Alliance theme

Tabard: Stormwind Tabard

Main hand: Replica Lion's Fang

Off hand: Vial of Chloroform (option

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