
This only works if both characters are within 4 levels of eachother.
I suggest you find a good friend who can use the trial account for the 20 levels, multibox both chars or you can try to push the extra levels granted as far as you can.

Anyways, to the point.

We all know about the recruit-a-friend triple XP and stuff, but what if you want the triple xp but dont have anyone to recruit? ( or just dont wanna buy another account)

The answer lies within Trial accounts !
Here is how it goes:

  • Create yourself a trial account ( Get new mail, send recruit to that mail, create trial account, you know the deal ).

  • Log in with your normal account and your newly created trial account. Do this on either 2 computers or just run two WoW clients on same computer.

  • Log on to your Alt ( the one you want triple xp on )

  • Create a new character on the trial account

  • Party up

Now for the sweet part;

  • With your real Alt, summon the trial account char ( Or if you also created a new alt, just meet at the start)

  • With your newly created TRIAL character, die. Release ghost.

  • With the trial characters GHOST, take follow on your real Alt.

  • Play with your alt, kill mobs, do quests. You will recieve triple XP, even if the trial account is a ghost!

Just make sure the ghost is on follow/close by. Doing it this way, you dont need to worry about the trial character dying or some shit like that.

I have only tested this on lower lvl chars, but I see no problem why it shouldnt work on higher level chars, as long as you play in Azeroth!

some Pictures

I hope this isnt to blurry, If you dont understand some part, Ill try my best to make it more clear.

When the trial account ends ( 7 days i think ) Just create another one, if my memory is still with me, I think you should be able to create up to 5 trial accounts per IP or something.

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  1. Um once your first trial ends and you create another, it will start at lv 1, and therefore be of no use to you, due to it exceeding the 4 level gap.


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