Tuesday, December 30

WoW Leveling trick: Amazing XP in Icecrown 77+


  • Basic Chemistry NOT FINISHED! (A- http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13295) (H- http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13279)
  • A group that consists of 4 AoE DPS and 1 Healer. (Preferably a person or two with the quest as well.)

  • Ability to AoEBasically what you do is go to 61, 63 in Icecrown (the lowest level) and you should see a big cauldron.

  • Use Pustulent Spinal Fluid (Pustulant Spinal Fluid - Item - World of Warcraft)

    When the mobs appear you either get 1 elite, 1 elite and 4 slimes, or a big group of slimes. You want the big group of slimes. Go up and tag the mobs UNGROUPED before the group of AoE DPS kills them. The quest will say you are failing but just wait for the cooldown on the fluid to be up again.You get around 1k xp each mob you kill.
    Rinse and repeat.

    I got 30k xp in around 3 minutes doing this exploit, have fun.

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