
This video is a guide I made on how to solo the Dwarfageddon achievement in Ulduar. I recorded this on the 25 man version, with a lock that is geared in 10 naxx armor just to reinforce how even the most softcore players can get this achievement. I've also done it on 10 man, and with my main that has a lot better armor. Your vehicle will be significantly better with the more combined item level you have. If you have all best in slot, you'll be able to kill the Sentry's in about 6 hits, otherwise for my lock, it took probably 30. Same with the nuking, you'll only have to nuke twice to kill everything if you are well geared. You can bring as many friends as the instance will hold to do this. I advise to only have a maximum of 2 people run out on bikes and clump dwarves, the other should ride passenger or just stay close in other vehicles. Too many people might split the dwarves too much and make you take longer than 10 seconds. Doing this will not get you saved to Ulduar. You yourself would have to not be saved to Ulduar already and go into a fresh one that hasn't killed Flame Leviathan yet in order to do this event. You'll have to invite a friend and form a raid to get inside, but after that you can drop raid and it wont kick you out and you can confuse your guildies when your achievements pop up ;P


  1. didnt got saved right? just to be sure.


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