Sunday, June 6

30.000 Gold in 40 hours as Rogue

  • Level 75-80 Rogue
  • MOLL-E (Portable mailbox, not essential but required for maximum gold making.)
  • Lust for repetetive work

Rogue Glyphs:
  • Glyph of Pick lock
  • Glyph of Pick pocket

Good talents to use:
  • Master of deception (full)
  • Camouflage (full)

The guide:
Basically what you do is pick pocket ever mob in the Lower Blackrock spire for lockboxes. Theese lockboxes are used for ravenholdt rep, and are therefore essential for people who are going for the "insane" title. Obviously dont rush yourself into doing this. You will need to find someone who is going for the title, and is interested in paying you per lockbox. In the video, the player is receiving 13g per lockbox, therefor he would theoretically make 30k in 40 hours. You and i both know this is very server dependant, so keep an eye on your trade chat and the realm forum for people who are buying lockboxes! The video guide will show you exactly how it is done.

Here is the macro used for pickpocketing the mobs:
/console set targetnearestdistance 10
/targetenemy [target=target, noexists]
/cast pick pocket

And a video:

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