Blizzard has released information regarding a new battleground which we will see in Cataclysm known as: The Twin Peaks.
What are the twin peaks you ask? Let me elaborate further.
Originally Posted by Blizzard TL;DR version:

Anyways, this new battleground is going to be a capture-the-flag-style battleground (similar to Warsong Gulch). The basic concepts of Warsong will also apply here (ie. flags are located in the enemies base, they can be returned and first to 3 wins).
The terrain will be built in an asymmetrical manner so that one side doesn't have advantages over the other and from what I can tell it will look similar to this:

Originally Posted by Blizzard I will be honest in saying that I look forward to examining the complexity of each base as they are both told to be completely different instead of how WG kept them almost exactly the same. The Wildhammer Longhouse is the Alliance stronghold and is built into the mountain with three entrances. While the Dragonmaw Clan Compound to the south will act as the Horde base and is built on top of a large body of water with two entrances.
All in all I think that this new battleground will keep the fun 'capture the flag' concept alive while also adding a few much needed changes to keep players interested.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Here are some screenshots of what the place looks like:

What are the twin peaks you ask? Let me elaborate further.
Anyways, this new battleground is going to be a capture-the-flag-style battleground (similar to Warsong Gulch). The basic concepts of Warsong will also apply here (ie. flags are located in the enemies base, they can be returned and first to 3 wins).
The terrain will be built in an asymmetrical manner so that one side doesn't have advantages over the other and from what I can tell it will look similar to this:
All in all I think that this new battleground will keep the fun 'capture the flag' concept alive while also adding a few much needed changes to keep players interested.
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