Thursday, June 17

Blue Drake farming for tanks - the not-so-random random

If you want the blue drake from the random heroic oculus run, but you're tired of queueing for a random and never getting oculus, this can help you focus your time. It allows you to be sure that you are going into a heroic oculus group using the random dungeon queue.

Requirements: 1) You must be a tank 2) You must have access to a level 80 healer on a 2nd account

By now you may be able to see where I am going with this. Below is an explanation of the process.
  1. Log into both accounts, 1 tank who wants the drake, 1 healer.
  2. With the healer, queue for a specific dungeon, Heroic Oculus.
  3. When the LFG icon on the minimap shows 1 healer and 3 dps, begin queueing for a random heroic on your tank.

  • 4) If the queue pops on your tank but not on your healer (and it will), click leave queue on the tank and again queue for the random.
  • 5) When it appears as though both the healer and tank's queues have popped simultaneously, click Enter Dungeon on the healer. Wait a moment and see if the tank in the group remains a question mark. Once you are convinced that the tank you are waiting for is yourself, click Enter Dungeon on the tank and !viola! you are in a random heroic oculus on purpose.

Then just leave the group on your healer and find another healer for the group.

Note a variation of tank queueing for oculus and healer queueing for a random might work as well, in fact it might work even better. I have yet to test this however. I doubt you could get this to work while queueing as DPS

EDIT: The scroll bar for editing is broken, so I have to put the edit here. If as in the end of this post it becomes clear that your tank and healer are not about to enter the same dungeon, you can ALT F4 on your healer BEFORE you enter the dungeon, wait about 1 minute, and start queueing again without penalty.

Also, this is not 100% foolproof obviously. There are false alarms, i.e. both queues popping simultaneously even though they are two different dungeons. But even then, your healer ends up getting the debuff as they leave oculus, not your tank. So if you're lucky and have multiple healers on different accounts this would be 'merely a setback!'

1 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

You can still queue to specific dungeons after you get the debuff, so that won't stop your healer from doing this. Also i'm not even sure if you'll get a debuff when you queue for specific dungeons. All together: nice guide, but anyone who has decent IQ can guess this himself...

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