Saturday, March 12

A Beginners Guide to Maximize Your DPS for Raiding

Everyone who raids knows that gear is a very essentail part of raiding, but we know in order to get that gear we have to obtain it certain ways by doing Dungeons, Rep, etc. Though for a lot, even though you have that gear doesn't mean you are always putting out the best damage to help your raid group. When I first started out raiding my DPS was just horrible. So I decided to do some research and try and find a way to improve my DPS. Then one day I discovered this website called - World of Warcraft Gear Rankings - News and believe me when I tell you this website has made my dps in raids go up a significant amount. You go in by choosing which type of DPS you are for example if you are a Fury Warrior they have a complete fury guide. All you do is put in your stats and hit the submit buttion and it gives you your current DPS output and what things you should focus on to increase your DPS. The website as well gives you everything from what you should do for a set rotation to what items you should look to get that provide the best DPS output. 

The second thing that that i have found helpful in increase my DPS is using addons when raiding. 

Deadly Boss Mod Addon- Essential for Raiding!!!!
Deadly Boss Mods - Addons - Curse

Recount- Tells you how much DPS you are doing on Bosses and your total DPS throughout the raid
Recount - Addons - Curse

X-Pearl Unitframes- Helps make a easy customizable UI so you can click all the right things.
X-Perl UnitFrames - Addons - Curse

The third thing in order to help maximize your DPS is to find a Talent build that is set for PVE raiding and can help maximize your DPS. I have found the websiteTankSpot - World of Warcraft News, Guides, and Community to be very helpful with guides that people have made for all classes in order to maximize your DPS.

Lastly, in order to help Maximize your DPS you need to practice your rotation because even though you might know which buttons to click in the right order doesn't help the fact that you will be moving around and repositioning yourself and worrying about your location when fighting Bosses. 

I would also recommend watching the boss fights so that you know what to do and where you can position yourself that way you have little to no interuption in your DPS. The best site I have found that can help you with this is Here you can find videos on almost all bosses and they have commentary to explain the fights as they are happening.

Hope this helps people who are looking to increase their dps in raids. Please feel free to comment and make your own suggestions about things you have found to increase your dps and I will try and put them into the guide.

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