
A retail store in Norway has made a drastic decision as a temporary move “out of to those affected”.

Coop Norway, which is one of the big retailing stores in the country has taken off their shelves, 51 games and weapon-like toys in the aftermath of the Norwegian tragedy that involves Anders Behring Breivik.

A newspaper in Norway, Rogalands Avis has made a report that the Coop Norway retail chain would be removing a number of high profile violence games, mostly in the shooter genre, including: Sniper Ghost Warrior, Homefront, Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft and the Call of Duty games franchise which Breivik mentioned to have played one of the series.

The suspect in Norway massacere, Anders Behring Breivik had write at length about a number of violent video games that includes World of Warcraft and Call of Duty 4 in a hugely controversial ‘manifesto’ published by him before going on the killing spree.

Geir Inge Stokke Coop Norway Retail director has told that the removal as temporary and “out of respect and in respect to those affected.”

“We took the decision to remove the games immediately when we realized the scale”, said Stokke to PCR.

“Others are more qualified than us to point to the effects [on players] these games have. Right now, it is natural for us to remove them,” he added.

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