
The weekend has ended, so as the Diablo III Open Beta... we all had time to rest from our schools, Jobs, and the gyms(?). Some of you preferred to spent the whole weekend sitting on your couch, some of you preferred to party, and the others have chose to Play one of the most awaited games in the history. We're of course talking about Duke Nuk - *ekhm* - Diablo 3!

Yes, this weekend Diablo III Beta was available to play for everyone, and we all had our chance to test the game (so as the servers) on its almost final stage.

The most important question is... what do you think?! If you have played Open Beta this weekend, please share your thoughts with us! Tell us what you like and what you hate about Diablo III. What you think should be improved, and what should stay as it is now? Maybe during the play you found some Diablo 3 bugs?

Whatever that was, please share all your thoughts either in the comments below

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