
After attempting to help my friend farm spirit beasts on different servers, we found you could could go to another server unless the person inviting you was level 90. 

After messing around we found a way to bypass this. All you have to do is make a level 1 character on another realm... Invite a level 90 from the level 1's realm, wait till the level 90 is in the group then invite your friend from your own server. 

This will transfer your friend to the new server in order to farm what ever you may need such as: onyx eggs. rarespawns, etc.. 

To get people to stay in group just tell them your testing an addon or some other crap you make up. You can Try to invite level 90 players INSIDE Battlegrounds - by doing so, they won't bother leaving, and will give you some time to do whatever you want to do. - I managed to get 15 Onyx Eggs in less than 25 minutes this way. 

In short
  1. Friend is on server A
  2. Make lvl 1 on server B
  3. Invite a lvl 90 from server B
  4. Invite friend from server A into the group after player from server B joins the group
  5. ????
  6. Profit

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