
Download The Golden Crusade Shuffler

This spreadsheet, created for Mists of Pandaria, is designed to help players get the most profit out of what has become known as the shuffle. Users can take market data from The Undermine Journal (all three data options are supported, XML, CSV, and IQY) and enter values for how much ore they're buying, at what price, how many gems they're transmuting etc.

Please note that this spreadsheet is still considered beta so please bring to light any bugs or issues that appear, as well as any suggestions you may have for tweaks or features. Please see link above for full instructions on usage.

Note that while some tabs are hidden and any cells not used for data input are locked there are no passwords on the spreadsheet so users can tweak the formulas at their own risk if they so wish. Furthermore, the spreadsheet was designed to work with later versions of Microsoft Excel (using the .xlsx format) so support for other spreadsheet programs will be limited but I'll try to do my best within reason to accommodate support for other programs.

  • Estimates profit margins
  • Allows users to experiment with different amounts of transmuting, disenchanting, crafting, and more
  • Can be used as a stand alone calculator for enchanting profits
  • Fully customizable to a players needs including options for perfect gem cuts, disenchanting jewellery, guild perks and masteries, and customizable purchase prices
  • Enchanting material converter ensures best bang for the buck
  • Spreadsheet advices users on what should be profitable and what won't
  • Allows taking enchants into consideration
  • And more

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