
DISCLAIMER: You can potentially get banned for doing this as it falls under a game exploit. There are forum posts of people claiming to have been banned for doing this.

My personal opinion is that this is very unlikely. This is the same thing as people who escape the EOTS bubble early in BGs. Like 4 people do this per BG. I have done this type of wall trick hundreds of times and have never gotten in trouble, but that is not to say that it is impossible. Just be safe when you are doing it and don't do it in front of people if you are going to attempt it.

Onto how to do it:
  • Step 1: Go to where I am on the video-- near the target dummies.
  • Step 2: Get yourself completely in the corner and mount up.
  • Step 3: Log off
  • Step 4: Log back on. Viola! You will be through the wall. Just hit spacebar to go up
  • Step 5: follow where I go in the video

Again I do not want to get anyone banned and do not condone using cheats or exploits in the game. But I thought this was a very cool secret that not everyone knows about!

Here is the video:

Additional info on WKM:

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