
If you are like me, focused on one main in pvp and with too much work to do, that you can't gear your second character / reroller, you most likely will not be able to complete a full set of Malevolent gear for your alt by the time 5.2 hits, and most surely, for first 1-2 weeks as well. But it's not too late...with only 1-1and a half hours of daily play till 5.2 you will do the following :

1: Cap Honor points-4k ( you can do just 1 CTA rbg per day which rewards you with @ 500 honor aka 4k cap in a week and 1 day )
2: Cap Justice Points to 4k, for later converts to Honor ( you can setup honorbuddy for that, or ask your smaller bro, do them by yourself, w/e )
Now, with those 2 points capped, that means next season you will be able to buy only...2-3, let's say, maximum 4 pieces if you buy only offsets....BUT

3: Honorable Commendation of the Dominance Offensive can and will let you go over the 4k cap, by storing those tokens into your bag ( to a max of 250 ).
While these tokens only have 1 day duration, on the toon you wish to farm honor fast on, you won't spend more than 1 hour farming ( 3 , 6 and even 9 ) of these tokens by killing the alliance or horde pvp rares added in 5.1. ( For example, I'm now at 4k JP cap, 4k H cap, 21 of these tokens with 21 hours remaining, and still farming them fast on a very high populated pvp server on EU )
To be able to farm even more, ask a friend to invite you on he;s realm when the rares are dead on yours, and you will be able to farm them again ( given hes realm is deserted, or has the mobs still up ) I've found that, on my server, the ideal hour to farm this is early in the morning, when I can get even 9 of these tokens.

4: complete the Tol Barad / Wintergrasp dailies and DO NOT give them in, not until 5.2 hits

5: ALWAYS USE Battle Standard of Coordination when you are about to receive honor from the tokens / quests. Also be sure to be in a high lvl guild for the Honorable Mention perk,

6: In the rare case you have just a few minutes of the honorable-commendation left, go to your faction pvp vendor, pop the Battle Standard, and continue to buy Malevolent pvp gear, and ONLY AFTER, go back to Orgrimmar / Stormwind to exchange Justice to Honor.

I hoped I helped, and even though it might be a repost, I'm doing this because I was very surprised that even on my server which always has @ 500 ppl in queue, I was there alone farming most of the time, with few minor interferences from other players.

PS: If you are like me, with only 2-3 malevolent pieces on the alt, you'd need 35 tokens of commandation, full jp and honor cap to get the entire set of malevolent + off sets and rings/necks/trinkets.

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