
Theres an item called Mantid Artifact Sonic Locator (Mantid Artifact Sonic Locator ), with which you can relocate your archaeology fields to a position where you can find mantis fragments. But there is a little trick where you can boost your Archaeology - Skill in nearly no time or just get the achievements of the Mantis - Archaeology !

This item has a duration of 1 day. So every day, you have to buy a new one. But it has a feature that helps me a lot to easy and quick get to new archaeology - fields without flying around too much.

When you buy the item, the system will relocate the fields to new position. Therefore, if you got the Argent Gruntling (Argent Gruntling ) or anything else which provides a mobile bank you can store the item and just get it back into your back, which will relocate the positions. So you can (whenever and how often you like to do it) reorganize the positions of the mantis fields. That means that you can farm them quicker and get your achievements / max skill faster

It helped me alot and i hope it could help you too. Sry for my bad english, im german (:X try to get better and better every day)

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