
Known for its famous (World of) Warcraft franchise, Blizzard has had an unannounced massively multiplayer online role-playing game in development for quite some time. However, a trusted source tells us that Blizzard has hit the reset button, starting over on the entire project.

The MMORPG that goes by the name of 'Titan' has a development team that has now been reduced by 70 positions, bringing it back to a small team of 30 developers with Blizzard assigning those 70 developers to other work leaving the core team to start over on Titan. The title is now not expected to release before 2016.

In a statement, Blizzard spokesman Shon Damron said, “We’ve always had a highly iterative development process, and the unannounced MMO is no exception. We’ve come to a point where we need to make some large design and technology changes to the game. We’re using this opportunity to shift some of our resources to assist with other projects while the core team adapts our technology and tools to accommodate these new changes. Note that we haven’t announced any dates for the MMO.”

With millions of players paying for subscriptions, World of Warcraft has been generating around $1 billion dollars a year for the past few years. However, the game lost close to 1.3 million subscribers in the first quarter of 2013 to just above 8 million. Comparing this to World of Warcraft's peak of 12 million subscribers it seems that Blizzard needs to hurry with their new MMORPG. Unfortunately the odds of Blizzard releasing Titan before 2016 seem very low after this reset.

Trusting the words of Paul Sams, we can expect Titan to be a mindblowing game when it does come out. We expect the high expectations from inside of Blizzard to be part of the reason for the reset. Although not known for their speed, Blizzard is known for creating high-quality AAA games and 'Titan' should be no exception.

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