
Alright guys, so you know how sometimes low levels aren't flagged for pvp right? The thing not many people know is this means you cant kill them and get that rush of unbridled self worth that only comes from virtual murder. 

Well what if I told you there's a way to flag those pesky padawans and fill the emotional void left by your transient father? What would you pay for a trick like that: $50,000?, $65,000? No you're and idiot, it's free.

First level a rogue to 90. Next buy critter bites off the ah or cook them. Then simply collect as many woodland creatures as you can and stealth up to your victim. 

As you encircle a lowbie with your pack of rabbits or w/e the hell is still considered a critter, they will grow agitated and frightened. They will lash out at the rabbits in fear striking them down, this is where you capitalize on their hasty ignorance!

By killing your innocent horde rabbit, they have flagged themselves for pvp. Now you kill them over, and over, and over again until they quit or your step dad comes home from work drunk with abuse in his eyes.

If you are an engineer explosive sheep work too.

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