This is the hunter set I have been working on for a while, besides some minor tweaking that may occur, this will be the final idea.
Gear List:
- Helm - Helm of Veiled Energies
- Shoulders - Observer's Mantle
- Cape - Mok'Nathal Wildercloak
- Chest - Firestrider Chestguard
- Gloves - Trueaim Gauntlets
- Belt - Belt of the Iron Servant
- Legs - Ironscale Leggings
- Boots - Timmy's Galoshes
- Bow - Golden Bow of Quel'Thalas
What I will probably be changing is the bow, gloves, and boots. Everything else I think shall stay the same.
I personally think a Survival Hunter fits well into this gear and this pet.

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