
With the return of ownedcore members such as WizardTrokair, and other posts by Ellion4eg and Strangletusk, along with VoTu releasing some content, I think it is fair time I have made the return to the community. Hopefully we can rebuild this community and most of all, inspire newcomers to join the scene and take interest in the art of exploration and manipulation of game mechanics.

ImperiousVideos is back! Today I am going to show you guys a phasing exploit. Due to the CRZ, many phasing exploits on last with in the zone of which they are found, which diminish the exploit all together. However, I have found two that allow you to keep it past the CRZ and this is one of them.

Be sure to subscribe, comment, like, and spread the word about the return of ImperiousVideos. I am aware that when I have released videos, they are about once every month. I intend to stop that process and release videos consecutively every other week. With the new expansion approaching and summer just around the corner, I will have more time to exploit and focus on YouTube. Thanks for supporting me and hopefully I won't let you guys down and we can rekindle the exploiting community.

DC macro: /run for v=1,500 do for i = 1,GetNumFactions() do SetWatchedFactionIndex(i) end end


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