
The goal here was to find some use for the Monk Challenge Mode set. Ultimately I decided the shirt was the item I liked the most, and the gloves do a great job of staying out of the shirt's way. Over time, it's become one of my favorite transmog sets and is completely unique to me so far.

It's worth noting that the majority of this set is Pandaria gear. This is why I disagree when whiny people complain that item artwork has gone downhill.
  • Helm: Helm of Assassination
  • Shoulders: Bonechewer Shoulderguards
  • Chest: Chestwrap of the Regal Lord
  • Waist: Expedition Girdle
  • Legs: Riou's Vigilant Leggings
  • Feet: Pandaren Roofsprinters
  • Gloves: Handwraps of the Regal Lord
  • Cloak: Fen-Yu, Fury of Xuen (not shown)
  • Tabard: Sunreaver Onslaught Tabard
  • Shirt: Wraps of the Blood-Soaked Brawler
  • Main hand: Claw of the Phoenix
  • Off hand: Claw of the Phoenix

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