
This exploit works exactly how the old twink EXP ON exploit used worked for BGs.

You queue for a skirmish at any level. Then once the enter battle button shows up, you simply have to hit the button to turn your exp off in the time between pressing enter battle and actually being ported. Which can be done by talking to Slahtz in Orgrimmar or Behsten in Stormwind.
Binding a macro for /click StaticPopup1Button1 is really helpful for being fast enough to turn exp off in time.

Skirmishes segregate those with their XP off and on just like normal BGs. Ever since 6.0 hit, they are available at any level and from my experience, have on average a mere ONE MINUTE wait time at any level at any time. I've been having a blast the last few days destroying levelers 1v2 on my BIS geared twinks.

  • Step 1: Queue Skirmish.
  • Step 2: accept queue pop.
  • Step 3: click macro to turn exp off before getting ported.
  • Step 4: get ported.
  • Step 5: Profit.

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