
We've seen a number of rocky launches this month, mostly with Ubisoft, but Blizzard had its fair share with the launch of their new World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. Blizzard suffered from both a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack on launch day and a lack of preparation once again for the server strain. Blizzard is well aware how frustrating this is for users, and they want to make it up to their fans.

“The first two days of the expansion were not a great experience, with many of you facing high queues or significant gameplay problems,” executive producer J. Allen Brack wrote on the Blizzard forums. “We worked around the clock to tackle the demand issues and technical challenges, and fortunately things started looking better on Saturday. While millions of you were able to get in and play over the weekend, with many already reaching level 100, others still ran into very lengthy queues, particularly on the highest-population realms.”

To make it up to users, every user in the Americas, Europe, and Oceania will receive five days of game time added to their accounts that were active before Draenor's launch date of November 14th. The offer is not unlike an Internet Service Provider giving free days of service to make up for the days service was out. It's a nice gesture, and hopefully the problems will indeed clear up before more people have problems beyond those five days.

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