
You all know the treasures wich sometimes have some Garrison Resources as reward. However, there are four more important of these, each of them worth 100 Garrison Resources. Maybe you got already some of them, but if not, here are the exact localisations of them.

Iron Horde Weapon Cache

Loc: 49.3, 43.6 (Gorgrond)
Picture from map: 

Picture from item: 

Not sure, if you got this item already? Type this code in your chat - You will get a message if you already collected it (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36596))

Toxicfang Venom

Loc: 54.3, 32.5 (Spires of Arak)

Picture from map: 

Picture from item: 

Not sure, if you got this item already? Type this code in your chat - You will get a message if you already collected it (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36364))

Amethyl Crystal

Loc: 62.1 32.5 (Talador)

Picture from map: 

Picture from item: 

Not sure, if you got this item already? Type this code in your chat - You will get a message if you already collected it (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(34236))

Surplus Auchenai Weaponry

Loc: 55.2, 66.8 (Talador)

Picture from map: 

Picture from item: 

Not sure, if you got this item already? Type this code in your chat - You will get a message if you already collected it (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(34253))

I don't think that there are more items wich give you 100 or even more Garrison Resources, so that's it. 

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