
Based on Blizzard’s release patterns in the past, the company tends to release expansions every two years or so. We’ve seen this happen with Diablo 3, StarCraft 2, and World of Warcraft, but apparently this is something Blizzard wants to change. Speaking to Kotaku, World of Warcraft’s lead designer Ion Hazzikostas revealed that they plan to release expansions on a more frequent basis.

Hazzikostas acknowledged that Blizzard has a reputation of taking their time with their games, but stated that now they have a larger team, things could progress more quickly. “Ultimately that always got hung up on, ‘Well, we’re not gonna release before we feel it’s actually done to a Blizzard level of quality. That tended to take closer to two years. But we’ve increased the size of our team, and we feel like we’re in a place where we should be able to move faster than before. So our goal is to get expansions into players’ hands faster.”

Those who follow World of Warcraft news have probably heard that Blizzard is already thinking about the next World of Warcraft expansion, although when exactly that will launch remains to be seen, but if Blizzard’s newfound goal of churning out expansions is any indication, hopefully we won’t have to wait two years for it.

This also seems to be in line with Blizzard’s commitment to the game. The company believes that World of Warcraft still has another 10 more years to it, and given that they have cancelled Project Titan, World of Warcraft will remain the company’s sole MMORPG. In any case Warlords of Draenor will be released on the 13th of November, and hopefully it will be able to deliver on content, enough so that gamers will keep playing the game.

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