
How this works:

You need to be Brewmaster Monk and you Need to have Ox Statue Learned.

Then you need to pull whatever u like to the Ox Statue, and just chain the Ox Statues to any path u like.

For Example Tomorrow Friday I am planning on pulling whole Kalimdor in front of Orgrimmar... or at least 5-6 zones
on my stream... should be fun

You can use this method to pull any elite cool mob in front of Orgrimmar and brag

Be Creative with this... I will give more intel of how it works, after my stream if i find any other useful info.

What you have to do is:
  • Figure out what mobs u want to pull where.
  • Find the Correct Path of Bringing them where you want
  • Pull mobs mob with normal attacks or directly with Ox Statue
  • When they are aggro on the Ox Statue move a bit away (40-100 yards)
  • Place Another Ox Statue
  • Wait for them to Aggro on the other Ox Statue
  • When they are aggro on the Ox Statue move a bit away (40-100 yards)
  • Place Another Ox Statue
  • When they are aggro on the Ox Statue move a bit away (40-100 yards)
  • Place Another Ox Statue
  • U got it yet?

They will not evade as long as they are aggroing on the Ox statue before u make new one, or before you go away of them.

To aggro them on the Ox Statue, u need to bring them close to it... 10 yards or something.

If u are stuck in the washing machine again... stay in it for a while.. it's good for the brain :P

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