
I was struggling a little bit with some of the Darkmoon races, and I thought, 'What if I lag myself to maintain some speed buffs a little longer?"

As such, I came to use Lag7 (http://www.masterofwarcraft.net/2015/06/lag7-strategic-lagtool.html) to extend the duration of some speed buffs. To those of you that are unfamiliar with using it, set it to the time you want and bind a key (I use numpad -). When your speed buff is down to 1 second remaining, press the keybind once to initiate the lag--a timer will appear in the top-left of your screen--and press it once more to cease (though it will take 2-3 seconds for your character to 're-orientate' after lag ends).

This isn't a huge 'cheat', as you still accumulate tolls, but it is very useful if you, as I were, stuck on 12-3 consistently. 

Note, you cannot exceed 7 seconds on the program without a significant chance of being disconnected, and you should have at least 5 seconds between each lag event to stabilise your connection.

Disclaimer: I wasn't entire sure if this is an 'exploit' or a guide, though I felt that because if its 'minor' nature, it qualified more for a guide than a game-breaking bug.

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