
This has surely been mentioned once in the last three years but I can no where find this topic on the surface of this forum, so here you go:

  • Have Gold that you want to transfer
  • Check the Auction House for the most expensive Battle Pets
  • Be sure to double check their actual value by entering their name seperately and compare to possible lower priced auctions.
  • Also and most importantly check the currentl value of these pets on the desired server you want to move your gold to
  • Buy the pet and learn it
  • Now even the characters of the opposite faction have access to these pets and their value translated in gold
  • You simply but the page in a cage again, have it as an item infront of you and resell it on your desired server/faction
  • In this way you can transfer "Gold" from server to server and also cross-faction.

Enjoy the obvious.

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