
A couple of months ago, word got out that a quirky player from New Zealand was looking to embark on a rather unique (and somewhat zany) WOW quest: he was going to take his in-game character, a troll monk, to the level cap, using nothing but a dancepad for a controller. Well, it now looks like he succeeded, and as an apparent reward for his deed, he managed to double his Twitch following, to some 3,740. Rudeism (his online moniker) reached the milestone at 6 AM ET this morning, and it took quite a bit of perseverance and dedication on his part. He obviously streamed the entire effort on Twitch and there's now a video on YouTube of his accomplishment. Overall, it took him an impressive 5 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes and 38 seconds to complete the challenge. That's quite a bit of quality dancing there indeed.

After he hit his target, he found himself overwhelmed with emotion, akin to marathon-runners after the successful completion of a race: his voice was giving out and he even got teary at one point.

Following the deed, he sat down and finally used a keyboard to communicate with online fans and raid-partners, who had no idea of the unorthodox controller he was using when they first partnered up with him. Down the line, as the notoriety of his challenge grew, he suffered no shortage of raid partners, as everyone was looking to get teamed up with him. As the online characters broke into emote dances of their own, Rudeism - egged on by the fresh taste of success - pledged to continue his exploits: he said he would play Undertale with his dancepad and Heroes of the Storm with a guitar controller. No specifics are currently known about his planned exploits though.

Philip Thalberg works for Gosugamers, the world's top eSports and competitive gaming  portal. 

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